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Poster Password Management Page

    On this page, you can :
  • Request a poster password
  • Request a login/password reminder be sent to your registered email address
  • Register/Change an email address (otherwise how can I remind you!!!)
  • Change your password (finally enabled!)

You will probably need to scroll down the page to get to the section you want. Please make sure you press the right button to get the right results!

If you use Paypal for payments to BearForum, it is CRITICAL that you register the email address you use for payment, to make sure you get credit for your payments!!

Request a Login and Password

Please fill in all fields, an email will be sent to the address given when your request has been fulfilled
Email AddressRequested LoginRequested Password

Request Password Reminder

Enter your exact login, and an email will be sent to your registered email address!

Register/Change Email Address

No Password Reminder Possible Unless You Register Your Email Address!

Request Password Change

Please fill in all fields, an email will be sent to the address given when your request has been fulfilled
LoginOld PasswordNew PasswordConfirm New Password